Mindfulness for Children

Mindfulness for children Classes

In-person or online 30 min 1-2-1 mindfulness classes

Teaching Mindfulness at schools

Teaching children mindfulness is such an amazing gift, as it is a skill that will stay with them forever, and can help significantly improve their mental health wellbeing, confidence and focus.

Mindfulness can help support and sustain a sense of well-being, but there is a lot more potential there in terms of essential skills and states that mindfulness can foster. The Mindfulness Toolbox includes:

  • Emotional Self-regulation

  • Compassion

  • Concentration

  • Sense of wellbeing

  • Coping with stress

  • Self-esteem

  • Metacognition

Mindfulness training is about flourishing: not just about moving away from negative states of mind or experiences, but learning how to deal with these skillfully and compassionately. Apart from learning how to deal with difficulties, mindfulness is also about turning towards positive, peaceful, and nourishing experiences.


I am trained to teach paws B programme to 7-11 years old, and .Breath to 9-14 years old.

Mindfulness in Schools Project